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Tips & Advice

Based on customer troubleshooting questions we have received.

Bent Frame

Damaged ? a common question

Please note that your pushchair is made from aluminium tube which shaped (bent) by design.

One of the cross bars under the seat and one cross bar behind the seat have two slight bends, evenly spaced from each end. You will see it is symmetrical. At the point of the bend there is a slight creasing to the metal.

These bends are deliberate and the pushchair would not function without them.

We do understand that until you are familiar with your new pushchair you might be concerned on seeing them that your pushchair is damaged. It isn't.

Stiff to Unfold

stuck, what do I do ?

Firstly do not force it, it is possible that some routine maintenance will make it easier. See also Will Not Fold section below

If the frame is stiff to unfold far enough for the side clips to engage then it can help if you stand behind the pushchair, hold the plastic guides at the top of the seat on both sides and pull these up the frame. If this works then it is likely that you need to perform the maintenance listed below.

After the pushchair has been used for a while it will naturally collect dust/dirt etc. and as this builds up it will add friction at various points which need to move freely.

The top of the seat and the back of the seat are attached to the frame with square plastic guides which move along the frame when the pushchair is folded, they need to move freely so any dirt in the guide or surface grime will slow them down.

Use hot soapy water to clean the surface of the frame and to flush out any dirt inside the guides. Fold the pushchair a little to make sure you clean the whole length of the frame.

Polish the frame with a silicone based (not wax based) furniture polish, spray a little inside the plastic guides.

NOTE If you have a Basket fitted then the fixing straps also need to slide smoothly along the frame when unfolding, so clean the frame there and also the Basket.

You should now feel the frame moving more freely, if not then the cause may be more serious

Will NOT Fold

stuck, what do I do ?

Firstly do not force it to fold.

The most common reasons why a pushchair is not folding or unfolding are:

Harness - the harness has not been done up after the child has left the seat and one of the plastic clips on the end of a harness strap is now jammed in the frame, preventing it from folding.

To solve this:
  • snap together the harness so none of it is tangled with the frame

It is always important to snap together the harness before folding the pushchair to avoid breaking the harness clips or damaging the frame.

Basket - The Basket or contents are caught up in the frame

To solve this:
  • remove the basket

Frame Broken Check that there are no failed joints on the pushchair especially the rivet fixings of the crossbars behind the footplate.

To solve this:
  • contact us for advice 01363 881110

Squeaky Wheels

Drive you mad !

The Major Elite wheels are plastic with plastic hubs on a steel axle i.e. not sealed bearings. Friction between the plastic parts can cause a squeak or if grit gets stuck in the mechanism.

To solve this:
  • wash the wheels with hot soapy water to remove dirt (you may find it easiest standing them in a bucket) and allow to dry

Veers in one direction

Difficult to steer

Lift each set of wheels in turn from the floor and spin the wheels to indentify any which do not rotate freely, if one is stuck then this will cause the pushchair to veer.

To solve this:
  • wash the wheels with hot soapy water to remove dirt (you may find it easiest standing them in a bucket) and allow to dry

Rivet Failed on front Cross Bars


The cross frame connects the two sides of the pushchair if the Footplate is not fitted and the cross frame is used as a footrest, or if a child swings their feet back against it, then it can be damaged.

To solve this:
  • or failing that find a local service company, e.g. a bike shop, or mobility shop. It takes a seconds to put a rivet in and should not be expensive

IMPORTANT The pushchair may not be safe to use before it has been repaired and if used will likely result in the vertical frame breaking.

Wheel Doesn't Rotate

If a wheel does not rotate but the pushchair does not veer (see notes above), then this probably isn't a problem.

On a surface which is not perfectly flat and even there can only ever be three points of hard contact, three wheels on the ground. The wheel which is off the ground may not turn.

There are very few surfaces which are perfectly flat and even and when you are out and about it is likely that the pushchair is constantly alternating which three wheels are in direct contact with the ground, the forth wheel generally keeps spinning you rarely see it stop complerely.

There is some flex in the frame so the frame will distort slightly with a heavy child giving firmer contact on all four wheels. With a lightweight child the issue is more obvious.

Is is common for this to be reported to us when a pushchair is taken out of its box and tested indoors on a flat surface, worst of all an tiled floor. The highly polished uneven surface is unlikely to give enough friction to the hard plastic wheels for all four to turn.